Careful packing can make all the difference in the world. you are busy enough to have to deal with a large insurance claim due to careless handling. We have treated 100’s of items this year that were damaged but it could have been avoided.
Careful packing can make all the difference in the world. you are busy enough to have to deal with a large insurance claim due to careless handling. We have treated 100’s of items this year that were damaged but it could have been avoided.
I agree, you don’t need to save everything. Set some priorities of what’s most important. Do a few priority items first and make a little progress and you’ll feel great.
Undoing this mess will further damage the original gold finish and require a complete refinishing… much more expensive and look at the result! Ugly.
I had a “priceless Russian Renaissance Icon” delivered to me for evaluation. If you are “up” for a good story, watch this 7 minute video: Appraisal questions? Contact Need divorce counseling and therapy? Call the appraiser first. … you’ll like this story.
Was it a weak hook, a frayed wire, a loose hanging eye screw? The weakest link is the one that will let go when things start to shake… and most of us live in parts of the country where we can be shaken up by earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes. In addition to hanging hardware in good condition, think about a shake wax.
Protecting and saving old frames may be well worth the effort. Keep broken pieces and ask a professional before you throw it all away or repaint the frame in gold paint!
“How To Save Your Stuff”, the best selling preservation manual for home and office use, has just been put on-line and is available for download. For those who have tie ins to organization, the book may be used to raise money or earn money with the generous Affiliate Program. Inquire!
Remember when Sean Connery cut the Rembrandt out of the frame, rolled it up, slid it into a mailing tube and mailed it out of the building? Well, this was one of those times when Hollywood imagination had a higher priority than well researched details! Let me tell you what happens when you do that […]