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Cracks Cause By Heating Vents

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Cracking badly!

Keep art work away from heating vents that will cause cracking and flaking. (Same goes for active fireplaces), never use cleaning liquids on paintings,and last but not least, never try to clean painting with solvents.

 Careful inspections will help save flaking paint. If you find flaking paint, the best thing to do is call an art conservation laboratory for advice. There are emergency treatments you can do at home on most paintings. But it is still good to get some advice.

It is important to remember that we can save the original paint in almost every type of flaking condition. This type of preservation/conservation treatment preserves the original nature of the painting, helps the painting to retain its highest value and in the end will require less inpainting.

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4 Responses to "Cracks Cause By Heating Vents"
  1. Ann Ravert says:

    Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I’ve been following your blog for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information about collecting and art.

  2. Vonnie Kennie says:

    I was looking at the Museum Wax page. Sounds like a great product. It would probably be a great gift for grandma at Christmas time

  3. Nigel M. Simar says:

    I just can’t stop reading this blog. Its so cool, so full of information about things you can’t usually find out in the arts that I just didn’t know. Im glad to see that people are actually writing about this issue in such a smart way, showing us all different sides to it. You’re a great blogger. Please keep it up. I cant wait to read what’s next. I signed up for the auto RSS notices. Good idea!

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