Happy Kwansaa everyone!
(The official “holiday” website: https://www.officialkwanzaawebsite.org)
Independent of how the week became recognized, by whom it was created/organized or why… it has evolved to a more friendly form of humanity in celebration of an African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community. Indeed, I don’t think it takes away from the Black Community to share this light and positive energy with all races, cultures… and humanity. Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense, given the profound positive significance Kwanzaa can have in people’s lives and families.
I love the idea of people celebrating their heritage and telling its stories. Its a much fuller, richer life, one that’s filled with the remembrance and focus on the positive energy of goodness of life. In fact, I’m the author of a series of books on how to preserve the items that tell our stories and preserve our family’s heritage and legacy. Check out the other articles on this blog which I hope you will see as applicable to all cultures and different types of heirlooms, religious objects, collectibles and other meaningful “stuff.”
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A case in point about my preaching of the culturally international nature and benefit of the preservation tips we teach and promote, yesterday I was informed that I was chosen and appointed to be an advisor to the board of the Treasure Caretaker Training, a non-profit award-winning international non-profit advising monasteries and communities on how to protect and preserve their own sacred art. Monk and nun treasure caretakers are gratefully participating in preservation workshops, with invitations from Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim, when travel resumes. Other Buddhist caretakers in the USA, Australia, China and many other countries seek the professional art conservation and preservation education and consulting for their efforts to save and preserve their heritage. Treasuresresource.com
We applaud all who preserve and teach the principles of united families, love at home, for each other and value the beautiful cultural elements and uplifting stories of their ancestors.
“For decades, Ann Shaftel, the Treasure Caretaker Training Project and its advisors have shared their expertise with many institutions and individuals in the Himalayan region and beyond so that the precious literary and artistic treasures of Buddhist traditions may be skillfully preserved. I am delighted with regard to the new initiative, the Preservation of Buddhist Treasures Resource, which will make this carefully developed and unique skill set even more impactful. I offer my best wishes, blessings and prayers for the success of this worthy altruistic endeavor.” Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

World renowned art conservation expert and onsite workshop teacher of Thangka preservation, collection risk assessment and collection care, Ann Shaftel said of my participation, “Your straight on advice is more accurate and painful than anyone else’s. Heartfelt thanks for your contributions as an Advisor to Treasure Caretaker Training, the “award-winning international non-profit advising monasteries and communities on how to protect and preserve their own sacred art”.

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