Save Your Stuff in the Workplace



Save Your Stuff in the Workplace

How to Protect and Save Corporate Art Assets, Collectibles, Memorabilia, Artwork and other Employee Possessions

Product Review


Product details and description:

  • Price $19.95

  • Print Length:182 pages

  • Publisher:Morgan James Publishing (April 1, 2013)

  • Publication Date:April 1, 2013

  • Sold by:Amazon LLC

  • Language:English

  • ISBN:978-1-61448-607-7


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Protecting and saving your company’s artwork, collectibles, memorabilia and employee’s personal items in your workplace is essential, especially before natural disaster situations occur. These efforts will enhance:

1. workplace safety

2. the emotional response of fellow employees

3. asset risk management

Discover how these two conditions are of paramount importance for your office’s business continuity and the reopening of your workplace after a disaster.

Reflect on your company’s Mission Statement and corporate culture and discover how safeguarding these items must be an important part of your HR emergency preparedness plan (personal emotional preparedness) whether you are in a corporation or a government office… and how fun it is to implement!

Save Your Stuff in the Workplace helps you assess your needs and establishes clear strategies for action which you won’t see in any other source! Also included with the purchase of this book, you will receive continuing education to help you and other office personnel to implement and enjoy success. You won’t have to do this by yourself!

Have you ever lost a cherished possession that was dear to you in an earthquake, hurricane or fire? Porcelains that broke, important photos or certificates that were ruined by water, mold or smoke? What are you afraid of loosing in the next “big one”? Or has someone ever thrown away a “worthless” treasured item that was really important to your company?

This book, written by Your Preservation Coach, is your manual for protecting your company’s culture and heritage… and will have a hugely positive affect on the preparedness of your company’s employees.

We respond to disasters all the time but we’ve been personally involved in nine “major” disasters: three earthquakes (Silomar 1971, Whittier 1989 and Northridge 1994), five fires (Santa Barbara 1990, 2008, Oakland 1993, 2 in 2009) and one flood (Santa Barbara 1995) and though people loose homes, cars, toys etc., by far the items for which we hear the most crying, are over the things that make up a person’s heritage or history… things that cannot be replaced with insurance money.

There is almost a spiritual identity that people feel for the items that help tell their story or their company’s story. So it is with the photos, letters and certificates, portraits and lots of other “stuff” that may be unceremoniously displayed. Acknowledged widely by disaster response experts in earthquake country, hurricane country, flooded out communities, in museums and in government offices… the Save Your Stuff message is the best, easy-to-understand information on how to protect your valuable collectibles.

The Save Your Stuff information is widely distributed by Daughters of Utah Pioneers museums, FamilySearch (in fact parts of the book were used by permission in the book repair department), other online genealogy companies, art galleries, in promotions with Museum Wax, to docent councils in museums, historical organizations and the “Prepper” industry.

A valuable and fun part of this book is the authoritative continuing education program that will be sent via e-mail. This program includes practical tips, videos, articles, entertaining stories etc. This valuable feature is not available from other distributors of the book.



How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster

As an author and expert in the Human Resource industry, I believe that How To Save Your Stuff has an essentialmessage for the workplace and emergency preparedness/disaster planning. Scott Haskins’ message is clear, his continuing education is top quality and I am intent on getting the word out to all of my contacts in the industry.

Rayanne Thorn at

“As a self-help book it is the ultimate manual… This is a must have for anyone who prizes the family’s photo, papers etc. … even without a home disaster.”     Juanita Thinnes, Past Pres. Friends of the Historic Mission Inn, Riverside, California and genealogist.

“Your book is fantastic! I shoved a copy in a friend’s face and said, ‘you have to buy a copy of this book!’ I’m going to get all my historical society and museum clients in the State of Wisconsin to buy a copy.”

Mr. Tony Rajer, Conservator of Art, Madison, Wisconsin

 “This is just the kind of book I was looking for. We’ll keep it handy in our reference library and use it to answer reader’s questions. I think all our readers should know about it.”  Linda Krueger, Editor Collector’s News, Iowa

“This information needs to be in the hands of every staff member in every FEMA office in disaster areas.” Dr. Bill Henriques, Public Information Officer, Federal Coordinating Officer for Disasters, FEMA, National Contingency Program, Public Affairs

“In my region of the country, I am known as the ‘Earthquake Lady.’ Whenever the press wants to know something, I’m the one in front of the camera. I’m always getting questions about people’s personal items and I’ve always had difficulty answering them. Now I can answer all their questions! I’m so pleased to have found this book!”

Dr. Joyce B. Bagley, Charleston Southern University, S. Carolina

“We hand out information to the public on disaster planning and I will be happy to let them know about your book. We will keep our copy for ready reference.”

Heather A. Lyle, Emergency Planner, City of Vancouver, Canada

 “As past Director of Emergency Planning and General Safety at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB between 1980 – 2010) I am well aware of the national standards and practices in our industry to protect and prepare our university family of staff, faculty and admin. Scott Haskins’ expertise in protecting, preserving and saving treasured personal collectibles and other possessions should be an imperative and essential part of every campus and business, and office emergency plan. Personal safety and business continuity are at stake and I recommend you invest the time to listen to his proposals and understand the quality of the complete educational program he provides as the only expert in his class that can give you the quality information and services you need in his niche. I have read his easily understood book, “How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster” and discussed with him many times his extensive knowledge in this field. His publications, instructional videos, workshops and consultation are perfect for university implementation and programs.”  Larry Parsons – Santa Barbara, CA

“Everybody should have a copy of Scotts book – How to Save Your Stuff From A Disaster. We’ve sold and handed out many copies through our workshops. You never know when you will need it.” Susan Blakney, Conservator of Fine Art,  AIC-CERT/Smithsonian delegate from USA to Haiti for earthquake damage of cultural property,

I am getting great feedback from last night’s event.  On behalf of DEMA, I want to thank you for an informative and enjoyable presentation for our members.  We really appreciated your time and efforts and we recommend to all our members and everyone to get a copy of How To Save your Stuff From A Disaster! It imparts an amazing amount of quality and essential information for saving treasured family keepsakes.

Kelly Larson, National Director of Programs, Domestic Estate Management Association (DEMA)

We are very excited about getting the How To Save Your Stuff message out to all our regional SBDCs and the public. Scott Haskins’ approach is perfect for small business’ and helping them to prepare for disasters. We encourage all business owners to adopt this message and prepare for emergencies as an essential part of your business plan and mission statement.

Deborah Schueneman, CEO, SBDC Net, Information Clearinghouse for small business development centers



A disastrous situation… but if his papers had been stored in a cardboard box, they would have been lost… a complete disaster! Valuable Tip: large plastic containers are made of archival plastic and will do much to prepared for emergencies. Saving these documents may be the difference between reopening a business and closing for good.


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If you would like to buy direct from the author and have your copy signed,

Call 805 564 3438

Between 9-5 California

Price includes shipping, tax and authoritative continuing education program that will be sent via e-mail. This program includes practical tips, videos, articles, entertaining stories etc. This valuable feature is not available from other distributors of the book.


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